Neck Pain Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy for Neck Pain: The Neck specialist at Vanya Physio center revealed that stiffness or pain of the neck could be a result of many factors. The most important reason behind is over-stretch, strain and sprain in neck muscles. In addition, this pain is often caused due to sleep in wrong posture, because of trauma, etc… Nevertheless, neck pain may sometimes signal acute damage or perhaps not excellent health and needs a neck pain specialist.

Common question that you ask to your physical therapist

What is neck pain?

Neck pain is always feels behind your head that is called cervical spine and surrounding area. It can be combine with headache, dizziness and vertigo and sometimes pain is radiating down to the arm with or without tingling sensation.

What are the symptoms of the neck pain?

You can feel heaviness and pain in cervical spine and arm, dizziness, headache, soreness, mild swelling ard the neck area.

How can physiotherapy help in neck pain?

Our physiotherapist strength your neck and shoulder muscles so pain will reduce which can caused by overstress. Mobilisation, chiropractic, dry needling, electrotherapy like us swd tens are also play important role to treat the neck pain.

What happens if neck pain is left untreated?

If neck pain is untreated it will lead to secondary problems like dizziness, headache, pain will radiate down to the arm and decrease ability to move head.

Is Neck pain is serious problem?

Yes! It is serious problem if pain will not go in few days. You should consult a good physiotherapist.


Causes of Neck Pain

Many health problems and injuries can cause neck pain:
1. Degeneration:- with the age degeneration of the cervical spine can lead to neck pain.
2. Injury:- any trauma to neck such as whiplash injury can cause neck pain
3. Poor Posture:- spinal muscle can affect by poor posture like sitting for long peroid of time, overuse of mobile and computer.
4. Over Weight- being overweight back muscle will get overstress that can cause neck pain.
In Vanya Physio care  clinic our team will assess you and rule out the possible cause of neck pain. Our physiotherapists will plan your treatment accodingly.

Neck Pain Physiotherapy